Tag Archives: turnaround management firm

How Operational Consulting is Working in Two Current TM Cases

It is well documented that there are fewer and fewer turnaround industry cases and that turnaround consulting firms both large and small are hungry for additional case work. This space has been advocating that turnaround firms use operational consulting to generate incremental revenues and two currently unfolding cases demonstrate how this process works. Continue reading How Operational Consulting is Working in Two Current TM Cases

The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

A $400 million diversified energy company ran into a cash crunch and tripped several covenants on loans with a large regional bank. The lender gave the company several Turnaround Management Firms to choose from to help it to better understand and manage its cash flow and needs. While the case appeared to be a straight forward financial case, the CEO of the company thought that poor marketing and sales were at the heart of the his company’s problems. Moreover, the CEO was disproportionately concerned with a $3 million consumer entertainment subsidiary at the company. Given the CEO’s concerns, the company chose the only Turnaround Management Firm that it interviewed that offered consumer and business to business sales and marketing advisory services. Continue reading The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

A Turnaround Case That Generated “Instant” Top-Line Growth

In this case, a legal services company went into default on its loan. The PE sponsor was forced by the company’s lender to bring in a turnaround firm to serve as a CRO and to provide the bank with clarity on the company’s finances.  After the initial financial evaluation it became clear that marketing and sales issues were at the heart of the company’s problems. The turnaround firm on the case was subsequently able to generate significant additional revenues on the project because it possessed its own marketing and sales advisory. Continue reading A Turnaround Case That Generated “Instant” Top-Line Growth

One Way to Generate Incremental Revenue for a Turnaround Management Consultant

Fee generation has been a challenge in the turnaround management industry over the past few years. Yet, as our most recent case demonstrated again, introducing operational sales and marketing consulting services into an engagement can be a consistent source of new revenue for Turnaround Management Firms. Continue reading One Way to Generate Incremental Revenue for a Turnaround Management Consultant