A consumer company with sizeable regional market shares had suffered financial losses from poor plant operations and ineffective marketing strategies and implementation. The Company filed Chapter 11 and a turnaround management firm was brought in by the lending group and the 2nd lien holding hedge fund. The Turnaround Management Firm’s scope was to do an assessment and to development a plan to help the company exit from bankruptcy. Continue reading Turnaround Case Study – A Hedge Fund Wins Control of a “Crown Jewel”
Tag Archives: hedge fund
Bad Sign for Turnaround Management Professionals?
WSJ article says that PE firms and Hedge funds are picking up the lending slack to small and middle market companies – while banks are usually open to using professionals, the PE industry is very difficult to pierce. Very interesting data in the article on lending data. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324637504578567383459564510.html?mod=WSJ_hps_LEFTTopStories