Category Archives: Marketing

A Niche Revenue Platform for Turnaround Management Firms

Sales meetingIn a slow Turnaround Industry, TM Consulting firms may want to consider an “all of the above” strategy for generating revenues including the deployment of supplemental marketing and sales advisory services.

Recently, and over a 10+ year period, these services proved pivotal for a prominent TM firm in helping them to win multiple long term, incremental engagements. Continue reading A Niche Revenue Platform for Turnaround Management Firms

The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

A $400 million diversified energy company ran into a cash crunch and tripped several covenants on loans with a large regional bank. The lender gave the company several Turnaround Management Firms to choose from to help it to better understand and manage its cash flow and needs. While the case appeared to be a straight forward financial case, the CEO of the company thought that poor marketing and sales were at the heart of the his company’s problems. Moreover, the CEO was disproportionately concerned with a $3 million consumer entertainment subsidiary at the company. Given the CEO’s concerns, the company chose the only Turnaround Management Firm that it interviewed that offered consumer and business to business sales and marketing advisory services. Continue reading The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

Turnaround Case Study – The 363 Sale That Went Better Than Expected

In this case, sales, marketing and operational consulting capabilities provided by Michael Roth Advisors helped a Turnaround Management Firm to secure a case, a client to improve performance during a turnaround management process and a lending group to generate higher returns from a 363 sale. Continue reading Turnaround Case Study – The 363 Sale That Went Better Than Expected

Profiting from a TM Firm Marketing & Sales Practice

Previous posts outlined how Marketing and Sales (M&S) advisory services generated incremental billings for a prominent TM firm, the processes they used to generate those billings, and how other TM firms could do the same. This post covers how TM firms can ensure that M&S services are profitable if they choose to deploy them. Continue reading Profiting from a TM Firm Marketing & Sales Practice

Two Ways a Turnaround Firm can Successfully Deploy Sales and Marketing Consultants

Sales and Marketing consulting can be a source of new and needed revenues for many more Turnaround Management Firms. However, before that occurs, traditional, financially based Turnaround Management professionals must become more aware of and comfortable with how Sales and Marketing services can be profitably deployed. Continue reading Two Ways a Turnaround Firm can Successfully Deploy Sales and Marketing Consultants

Sales and Marketing Consulting as a Revenue Platform for Turnaround Management Firms

In a still slow Turnaround Industry, some Turnaround Management Consulting firms may want to consider an “all of the above” strategy for generating additional consulting revenues. One such strategy that has proven effective for at least one prominent Turnaround Management Firm has been the deployment of a supplemental marketing and sales force effectiveness advisory. Continue reading Sales and Marketing Consulting as a Revenue Platform for Turnaround Management Firms

One Way to Generate Incremental Revenue for a Turnaround Management Consultant

Fee generation has been a challenge in the turnaround management industry over the past few years. Yet, as our most recent case demonstrated again, introducing operational sales and marketing consulting services into an engagement can be a consistent source of new revenue for Turnaround Management Firms. Continue reading One Way to Generate Incremental Revenue for a Turnaround Management Consultant

Rite Aid Proves Again – It Can Be Much More Beneficial to Retain Customers Than to Find New Ones

For years, Rite Aid was toying with the idea of instituting a customer loyalty program. They finally put one into place in the last few years and the program is now helping one of the Drug Industry’s least productive retailers to generate (finally) strong results. Continue reading Rite Aid Proves Again – It Can Be Much More Beneficial to Retain Customers Than to Find New Ones

For Brands-The Core Competency is the Brand Equity-Focusing on the Equity is the Secret to Growth

For many years, Revlon had one the of the largest shampoo and conditioner brands in the US. Revlon Flex sold more units than did Suave, White Rain, Pantene and Finesse. Revlon Flex was the proverbial “stack it high and let it fly” brand. Continue reading For Brands-The Core Competency is the Brand Equity-Focusing on the Equity is the Secret to Growth