All posts by Michael Roth

About Michael Roth

Michael Roth Advisors (MRA) provides clients with expertise in marketing and sales, both in turnaround management situations and in generating value for middle market companies.

Generating a Positive Turnaround at a Healthy Company

The Situation

One of the largest consumer products companies in the world (at the time +$8 billion in sales) was seeking growth from a division with several brands that were more than 50 years old and had long ago peaked in sales and market share. The Company was Warner Lambert/Pfizer, the brands included Halls, Trident, Dentyne and Rolaids. Continue reading Generating a Positive Turnaround at a Healthy Company

Steps a TM Firm Can Take to Potentially Win More Projects

In my 12 years at one of the TMA’s “Finest” firms, I saw that firm win many competitive pitch’s by using a unique business development process that included:

  • Performing detailed pre-pitch research
  • Tailoring the presentation to the client more so than to itself
  • Focusing the presentation on more than the financial
  • Using operational consulting “carrots”

Continue reading Steps a TM Firm Can Take to Potentially Win More Projects

The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

A $400 million diversified energy company ran into a cash crunch and tripped several covenants on loans with a large regional bank. The lender gave the company several Turnaround Management Firms to choose from to help it to better understand and manage its cash flow and needs. While the case appeared to be a straight forward financial case, the CEO of the company thought that poor marketing and sales were at the heart of the his company’s problems. Moreover, the CEO was disproportionately concerned with a $3 million consumer entertainment subsidiary at the company. Given the CEO’s concerns, the company chose the only Turnaround Management Firm that it interviewed that offered consumer and business to business sales and marketing advisory services. Continue reading The Turnaround Where the Tail Effectively Wagged the Dog

A Turnaround Case That Generated “Instant” Top-Line Growth

In this case, a legal services company went into default on its loan. The PE sponsor was forced by the company’s lender to bring in a turnaround firm to serve as a CRO and to provide the bank with clarity on the company’s finances.  After the initial financial evaluation it became clear that marketing and sales issues were at the heart of the company’s problems. The turnaround firm on the case was subsequently able to generate significant additional revenues on the project because it possessed its own marketing and sales advisory. Continue reading A Turnaround Case That Generated “Instant” Top-Line Growth

A Turnaround Case with Winners all Around

A premium Jewelry company tripped a covenant on its loan with one of the largest US middle market lending banks. The bank (which had been exiting its Jewelry credits for some time) asked the company to work with an advisor to assess its financial condition and to help it to find an alternative lender. Continue reading A Turnaround Case with Winners all Around

Turnaround Case Study – A Hedge Fund Wins Control of a “Crown Jewel”

A consumer company with sizeable regional market shares had suffered financial losses from poor plant operations and ineffective marketing strategies and implementation. The Company filed Chapter 11 and a turnaround management firm was brought in by the lending group and the 2nd lien holding hedge fund. The Turnaround Management Firm’s scope was to do an assessment and to development a plan to help the company exit from bankruptcy. Continue reading Turnaround Case Study – A Hedge Fund Wins Control of a “Crown Jewel”

Turnaround Case Study – The 363 Sale That Went Better Than Expected

In this case, sales, marketing and operational consulting capabilities provided by Michael Roth Advisors helped a Turnaround Management Firm to secure a case, a client to improve performance during a turnaround management process and a lending group to generate higher returns from a 363 sale. Continue reading Turnaround Case Study – The 363 Sale That Went Better Than Expected

Do Facts Matter in the Public Sector Debate on Taxes & Spending?

Whiling away the last days of August, waiting for my clients and would-be client to come back from their vacations, I saw a Face Book cry-out from one of my closest (and most successful Wall-Street) friends. It went like this: “We need to cut taxes both personal and corporate, cut our massive government spending to a reasonable level to spur growth to levels where we can start to feel that things are on the right track.” Continue reading Do Facts Matter in the Public Sector Debate on Taxes & Spending?

Profiting from a TM Firm Marketing & Sales Practice

Previous posts outlined how Marketing and Sales (M&S) advisory services generated incremental billings for a prominent TM firm, the processes they used to generate those billings, and how other TM firms could do the same. This post covers how TM firms can ensure that M&S services are profitable if they choose to deploy them. Continue reading Profiting from a TM Firm Marketing & Sales Practice

How to Grow in Slow Growth Markets

Today the IMF is likely to lower its forecast for US economic growth in 2013. This is in large part due to the stupidity of the US government using austerity budgeting when growth and job creation should be the priorities. (Austerity budgeting is even more stupid when the European results of austerity budgets are so clearly negative). Continue reading How to Grow in Slow Growth Markets