One Way to Generate Incremental Revenue for a Turnaround Management Consultant

Fee generation has been a challenge in the turnaround management industry over the past few years. Yet, as our most recent case demonstrated again, introducing operational sales and marketing consulting services into an engagement can be a consistent source of new revenue for Turnaround Management Firms.

Top-line sales and marketing consulting generates incremental revenue for Turnaround Management Firms:

  • As a differentiator in a pitch for a case that has top-line, sales and marketing and/or sales effectiveness issues
  • In longer term implementation projects that often emanate from this type of work
  • As a sales platform for a Turnaround Management Firm in its own marketing and sales efforts

The secret to the success of sales and marketing consulting is that it generates client value through the introduction of growth and growth planning to their businesses. Growth realization helps clients to generate incremental cash and profit, extend a forbearance period and to regain the confidence of lenders. Generating borrower growth and stability also benefits lenders in many obvious ways. Finally, in cases that include PE firms, introducing growth to a holding not only benefits that company, but can often be extended to other companies in their portfolio with similar growth related issues.

While there are numerous case studies that show how multiple constituencies have won in Turnaround Management cases that included growth oriented consulting, top-line consulting is still a rare element in the middle market turnaround space. We believe that a key reason for this is simply a lack of familiarity with the available resources to do this type of work.

Michael Roth Advisors is a resource that Turnaround Management Firms can tap into for this type of work and we invite you to review our case history and to speak with us about the multiple and flexible ways that we can partner with Turnaround Management Firms, clients and Private Equity firms to inject value related growth into the TM space.